Monday, December 1, 2008

Finally! Some art...

Warning: all of my posts will contain spoilers for the books!
Wow, I can't believe I waited so long to get some drawings done, haha nice job waiting until the first season is already over! But maybe I can keep everyone entertained until the next season starts or new book comes out. Whatever is first...I hear that SAG might strike? This will delay the next season, unfortunately.
...I have a ton of sketches, but none that are finished to the point I want to post them. I have three that I think will be decent for my first post, although blurry, because I didn't use a scanner...anyway, enjoy!

I'm having trouble combining the way I see them in the book with the actors...hopefully I can find a happy medium. First attempt at combining Eric and Alex (using a pic of Alex I found online):

Pam tells Sookie that Eric has become bad for business...for some reason this is what popped into my head.

I did a picture of Claude and Claudine too...but I don't know how much I like it. I might re do it when I have time. I think I have decided that this blog will be for everything, whereas my deviantart page will only feature my better work. :D

You guys have a good night, don't let the vampires bite!
(or do, you know, if you're a fangbanger and you like that sort of thing)

1 comment:

pErikita said...

Oh, I loved them! The Eric one I'd seen, but the one with Pam... I find it superb!!! :)